The post
“Lyn” the antivax troll astounds the world by
Anarchic Teapot first appeared on
Plague of Mice.
OK, this yet another post on antivax dingalings. Before the Paranoid Pragmatophobes start screaming “bullying”, please note:
- the comments refer to a pseudonymous account, and
- it is representative of the anti-vax lunacy stalking social media and trying to infect all who come into contact with it.
Today’s Specimen goes by the handle of “Lyn”. “Lyn” is, to put it delicately, a raging fruitcake who was recently spotted yelling at autism advocate Liz Ditz and vaccine advocate Dorit Reiss. Among much other dangerous fuckwittery, she is fond of spouting the tired old lie that vaccines cause autism. A swift glance at her – I assume it’s a her, but you never know with pseudonymous accounts – timeline reveals extreme conspiralunacy:
Natural News, Mercola, plus Troofer/Prepper sites like
Last Great Stand. It may come as a shock to you, but
Natural News and Mercola seem to be the sanest of the three…
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